Ashura 1446

Ashura Mubarak

We all met in south London for a beautiful meal at a restaurant we hadn’t attended before. We took a risk and it paid off. The service was amazing and the brothers were very patient with us and the food was glorious. Eazy Kitchen 302 Walworth Road. As usual we all had a very good time and the night drew in very quickly. It was nice to have Oma and Lishon join us for their first time.

Sayyid Jibril listeing intently to the bayan being given by Sayyid Khalid

Sayyid Ahmed and I having a catch up after a very long time but very well worth the wait, ma sha Allah.

Sister Elder Sayyidah Rose watching over us ma sha Allah.

Aaisha and Lishan exchanging about the importance of a fully loaded battery, very serious.

The conversation was very serious but very engaging.

Quite a few hadn’t attended for various reasons but we still managed to have a good time alhamdulilah. In sha Allah next year we will be celebrating with larger numbers and everyone will be able to attend in sha Allah with their families, loved ones and guests, all are welcome to celebrate with us.

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